EKS Permissions
EKS actions require some additional IAM configuration to create a cluster and access it.
EKS clusters need an associated service-linked EKS Role to access other AWS services. If such a role does not already exist in the account, Create EKS Role provides instructions on how to create it.
Managing existing Kubernetes cluster with Fylamynt
Create Role for EKS Control
In the IAM Console, click on `Create role`
Select AWS service on the next screen
Pick EKS as the service
Pick EKS - Cluster as the specific use case in the lower half of the page
Click on Next: Tags and add any tags that you want
Add a Role name, save.
Search for the Role name on the next screen and click on it
Note down the Role ARN
Add Inline Policy to Target Account
Find the target account in the IAM console:
Click on Add inline policy
Click on Choose a service, enter IAM in the search box, then select IAM
Click on the Chevron for Write, select PassRole
Once PassRole is selected, specify the role resource ARN by clicking on the Resources chevron
Click on Add ARN
Enter the full ARN from the Role ARN noted earlier, click on Add.
Click on Review policy
Click on Create policy
Configure the Resource
Navigate to Settings > Resource > EKS Permissions.
Click Manage EKS Permissions to create an integration instance.
Click on Add New
Details needed to provide EKS Permissions to Fylamynt:
Parameter | Description | Required |
Account Alias | Target account in which to perform EKS operations | True |
Name | Reference name for this instance. This will show up in resource menus for EKS actions | True |
Assume Role ARN | The Role ARN from Create Role for EKS Control | True |
Sample EKS Permission:
Integration Actions
Deploy Cluster
The action can be used to create/deploy an EKS Cluster.
The role_arn parameter should match the one from Create Role for EKS Control. The alias should match an alias with the additional inline policy applied.
Last updated