
Use the Instana integration to ingest issues or incidents raised by build-in or custom events, and respond to them automatically.


Instana is an Application Performance Management (APM) solution designed for the challenges of managing microservices and cloud-native applications.

It gives you the ability to create alerts from build-in events which are predefined health signatures based on integrated algorithms, or from custom events which allows you to create issues or incidents based on an individual metric of any given entity.

Use Cases

The integration between Fylamynt and Instana lets you:

  • Trigger a workflow in Fylamynt, when a specific Instana Alert goes into the state of ALERT.

Configure Instana in Fylamynt

  • Navigate to Settings -> Integrations -> Instana.

Details needed to set up Instana instance in Fylamynt:


Instana API Key

API Token obtained from Instana

Instana URL

Instana URL, example:

Webhook API Key Name

Fylamynt API Key Name for webhook authentication

Webhook API Key Value

Fylamynt API Key Value for webhook authentication

Instana Webhook URL

Fylamynt Webhook URL to be used by Instana service

Instructions to setup Instana Integration

Follow the steps listed below in your Instana Account and get the desired parameters to enter in Fylamynt.

  • Login to your Instana Account.

  • Copy the URL of your Instana site and paste it into the Instana URL field under Authorize Fylamynt.

  • Go to Settings -> Team Settings -> ACCESS CONTROL -> API Tokens.

  • Click Add API Token to create a new token (or) select an existing API Token.

  • For least privileged access, enable “Configuration of custom alerts” permissions.

  • Click Save

  • View and Copy the token and paste it into the Instana API Key field under Authorize Fylamynt.

  • Go to Settings -> Team Settings -> EVENTS & ALERTS -> Alert Channels

  • Click on Add Alert Channel and select Generic Webhook

  • Add the below details to Create Generic Webhook Alert Channel

    • Enter the name for the Webhook alerts channel e.g. "Fylamynt-webhook"

    • Copy the Instana Webhook URL from Authorize Fylamynt card on the integration settings page and paste it into the Webhook URL

    • Under Custom HTTP Request Headers, select “Add Header”

      • Add "x-api-key" as Key

      • In the Authorize Fylamynt card on the integration settings page, select one of the Webhook API Key Name from the dropdown, and the corresponding Webhook API Key Value will be made visible.

      • If no options are available for the Webhook API Key Name, first go to Settings --> Resources --> API Keys --> Manage Resource to Create a New API Key.

      • Copy the Webhook API Key Value from Authorize Fylamynt card on the integration settings page, and paste it into the Value field of the x-api-key key

    • From Authorize Fylamynt card on the integration settings page, check to see if all the attributes are filled correctly.

    • Click on Authorize to finish Instana integration with Fylamynt.

    • Before saving the Alert Channel details click on Test Channel to verify that the Alerting Channel was successfully triggered.

    • Click “Create”

  • Go to Settings -> Team Settings -> EVENTS & ALERTS -> Alerts

  • Click on New Alert

  • Add the below details to Create New Alert

    1. Enter the name for the Alert Configuration

    2. Under Events, select to send alerts on Event(s) or send alerts by Event Type(s)

    3. If Alert on Events is selected, click on Add Events and select all relevant events

    4. Under Alerting, click on Add Alert Channels and select the Alert Channel created in the previous step.

    5. Click Create

Integration Actions

You can add the following actions in the Fylamynt workflow builder, as part of your workflow.

Instana Alert Trigger

The integration node triggers the automatic execution of a workflow from a combined selection of an Instana Entity Type and an Entity Name.

When creating a workflow, you are presented with a wizard to select the trigger type to use.

  • On the workflow page, select New Workflow

  • Enter the name of the Workflow.

  • Select the Instana trigger type.

  • Click Create Workflow

Configure the automatic execution of a workflow

To automatically run workflows with the Instana Alert trigger, the incident type and assignment need to be configured. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided on the Incident Management - Automatic workflow execution page.

Last updated