Use the Datadog integration to ingest alerts raised by the monitoring system and respond to them automatically.
Datadog gives you the ability to create monitors that actively check metrics, integration availability, network endpoints, and more.
Using the Fylamynt | Datadog integration you can see the list of available monitors and pick the monitor to trigger a workflow when it goes into the state of Alert.
Use Cases
The integration between Fylamynt and Datadog lets you:
Trigger a workflow in Fylamynt, when a specific DataDog monitor goes into the state of ALERT.
Retrieve data from Datadog Monitors based on a search query.
Returns the test result from all the synthetic tests.
Configure Datadog in Fylamynt
Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Datadog
Configure a new integration instance
Details needed to set up Datadog instance in Fylamynt:
Datadog API Key
API key for your Datadog instance
Datadog Application Key
Application key for your Datadog instance
External ID
Identifier that identifies the tenant, to be added into HTTP headers by Datadog
Webhook API Key Name
Fylamynt API Key Name
Datadog Webhook Name
Fylamynt webhook name to be used by Datadog service
Datadog Webhook URL
Fylamynt webhook URL to be used by Datadog service
Follow the steps listed below in your Datadog Account and get the desired parameters to enter in Fylamynt. To configure Datadog you will require access to Organization settings with write permission for API Keys and Application Keys.
Login to your Datadog Account
Navigate to Organization settings
Click on your username in the bottom left corner
Select Organization Settings
Select Access -> API Keys
Click + New Key
Provide a name for the new API key
Click Create Key
Click Copy Key
Paste the new API Key into the Datadog API Key field on the Authorize Fylamynt card on the Datadog Integration settings page.
Close the window
Select Access -> Application Keys
Click + New Key
Provide a name for the new Application key
Click Create Key
Click Copy Key
Paste the new Application Key into the Datadog Application Key field on the Authorize Fylamynt card on the Datadog Integration settings page.
Close the window
Navigate to Integrations -> Integrations
Go to the Team page
Search and select for webhooks
Click + New button to create a new Webhook
Complete “New Webhook” panel using the following details
Copy Datadog Webhook Name from the Authorize Fylamynt card as the Name of the New Webhook
Copy Datadog Webhook URL from the Authorize Fylamynt card as the URL of the New Webhook
Add "alert_id": "$ALERT_ID" in the JSON object for Payload
Optionally, add or remove any other fields
Check the Custom Headers box
Copy the JSON header information below and paste it into the Custom Header field
Replace <fylamynt-api-key>
From the Authorize Fylamynt card, choose one of the Webhook API Key Name from the dropdown, and the corresponding Webhook API Key Value should be shown
If no options are available for the Webhook API Key Name, first go to Settings --> Resources -> API Keys to create a New API Key
Copy the Webhook API Key Value and replace <fylamynt-api-key> in the header.
Replace <fylamynt-external-id>
From Authorize Fylamynt card, copy the External ID and replace <fylamynt-external-id> in the header
Click Save to complete Webhook creation
Click on the Authorize button to complete the integration between Fylamynt and Datadog
Integration Actions
You can add these actions in the Fylamynt workflow builder, as part of your workflow.
Datadog Alert Trigger
The integration node triggers the automatic execution of a workflow from a selected Datadog Monitor.
When creating a workflow, you are presented with a wizard to select the trigger type to use.
On the workflow page, select New Workflow
Enter the name of the Workflow.
Select the Datadog trigger type.
Click Create Workflow
Configure the automatic execution of a workflow
To automatically run workflows with the Datadog Alert trigger, the incident type and assignment need to be configured. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided on the Incident Management - Automatic workflow execution page.
Datadog Get API Test Results
Get the last 50 test results summaries for all Synthetics API tests.
Parameter Name
Start Timestamp
Date-time from which to start querying results
End Timestamp
Date-time up to which to query results
Parameter Name
A list of test result objects in JSON
Action Example
Datadog Search Monitors
Perform a search query and return matching monitors
Parameter Name
The query to be executed. Query documentation:
Page Index
Page to start paginating from
Monitors Per Page
Number of monitors to return per page
Sort Order
String for sort order, composed of field and sort order separate by a comma, e.g. name,asc. Supported sort directions: asc, desc. Supported fields: name, status, tags
Parameter Name
A list of monitors in JSON
Action Example
Last updated
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